Centre for Studies, Technical Audit and Vocational Training
" Educate to Innovate.
Our concern is the success of our client. We guide them to achieve their goals."
CETAUF Centre for Studies, Technical Audit and Vocational Training is legally a S.A.R.L which is active since 1985.
The experience accumulated by our campany in vocational training, thus the value of its team give us the capacity to engage extensively in the process of human resources development of each company so, that it will gather the knowledge and the know-how to guarantee the development of its future at national and international level.
CETAUF has partnership with the following institutions:
CETAUF has been charged with training employees of several known companies and governmental departments in Tunisia and abroad. We provided professional and technical training as well as seminars in administration and management.
CETAUF has recruited expert of several training and certification programs such as the ISP9000 , ISO 37001, and ISO19011.
CETAUF has trained several hundred managers from ministries and private enterprises. It helped organisation to adjust the Integrated Administration and Control Systems (IACS) and to ensure integration with Enterprise resource planning (ERP) on a real time basis, a new automated system.
CETAUF have already achieved offering special training since 30 in the transport sector according to technical training programs that aim to develop this sector and to assist the personnel working in the various operations and maintenance services.
The seminars orgenized by CETAUF are always in a very nice location, which make us more motivated and feeling better to be engaged in the learning. The chosen team is competant. We were inspired to work better and going further.
#Cited from the evaluation formula
Centre d'Etudes, d'Audit Technique et de Formation Professionnelle
Agréé par le Ministère de la Formation Professionnelle
et de l'emploi N° 01 127/11