Centre for Studies, Technical Audit and Vocational Training
For a better performance, we offer you traning and development programs to improve the skills of your employees.
We offer you the best qualified facilitators and coaches to focus on a particular topic and improve the knowledge of your employees.
Digital Tranformation
We support you with our networks of international experts to strategically adapt your business model and choose the right behavior for change.
To achieve that important dimension, it is necessary today to be clearly distinguishable, to win in competitions and ensure it own development. Each enterprise needs to invest all of their energy into further development, through investing in human capital to improve their knowledge an know-how.
The professional training services provided by CETAUF are organised and conform to a specific quality approach that aims to develop the knowledge, the know-how and the competitiveness of the human resources through a network of experts qualified at international level. The condition of the organised trainings and seminars are adapted to the requested requirements. Our engagement towards our customers either ministries, government departments or private organisations is the quality of our services. Achieving well advanced goals, getting the best qualified facilitators and intervenors and respecting the required conditions are the bases of our quality assurance system. CETAUF guaranties the relevance and quality of its services for the benefit of its clients.
CETAUF participates in detecting and defining the needs in training that are linked to achieving the objects of the agreement. In addition, we organise meetings with the interested stakeholders to provide specific measures in order to better target specific needs. At the end of the training, the participants are evaluated to assure achieving the required impact and they are asked to evaluate the training’s quality to find out what we can improve. We are engaged also to perform some follow-up actions in certain projects to provide all requisite help and guarantee a further success.
We examine the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of the operations with which the management of the entity is achieving its objective.
Those are some examples of what we can provide to our customers. We can even organise trainings and seminars on demand or according to your needs.
- Management and administration:
- Technical:
- Sustainable development
- Energy efficiency and renewable energy
- Agricultural sector and food industry
- Vocational training systems and facilitating a better adaptation
The seminars orgenized by CETAUF are always in a very nice location, which make us more motivated and feeling better to be engaged in the learning. The chosen team is competant. We were inspired to work better and going further.
#Cited from the evaluation formula
Centre d'Etudes, d'Audit Technique et de Formation Professionnelle
Agréé par le Ministère de la Formation Professionnelle
et de l'emploi N° 01 127/11